Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflexions on the political and socio economic Lebanese news.
Lebanese current events.

November 30th, 2014. Bad Lebanese news' Comments from 1st until 30 November, 2014.


Monday, November 10, 2014.

Quelle fierté pour des ministres de financer la plantation d’arbres au lieu d’aider à la réimplantation des migrants libanais obligés de fuir la société libanaise actuelle en désordre à cause des maffieux qui gouvernent le pays ?

Peut être qu’il envisage de déterrer les oliviers des villages libanais pour les remplacer par des palmiers arabistes et les entourer avec du béton pour faire bien devant les donateurs du pétrodollar.

What pride for ministers to fund the planting of trees instead of helping the relocation of Lebanese migrants forced to flee the current Lebanese society in disarray because of mafias who rule the country ?

Maybe he plans to dig up the olive trees in Lebanese villages and replaced them by Arabic palms and surrounded them with concrete to do well in front of petrodollar donors.


BEIRUT: A reforestation project will be launched next month with a goal of planting 40 million trees across Lebanon, Agriculture Minister Akram Chehayeb announced Monday.

“A 40 million tree-project will be launched next month in the governmental palace during the national conference to celebrate Tree Day,” Chehayeb said after meeting with the administrative committee of the project, called "Forestation and Reforestation of Lebanon."

The committee was appointed by the Cabinet, and is headed by Chehayeb. It includes representatives of the government, the private sector and non-governmental organizations.

They met to set out a road map for the project before its December 10 launch.

Chehayeb underlined the decline in Lebanon’s green cover from 13 to 11 percent in recent years, “despite the forestation projects that haven’t stopped.”

The minister explained that this regression is due to the aggressive tree-cutting targeting Lebanon’s forests.

“Despite referring numerous people who we can call ‘forest criminals’ to the Lebanese judiciary, the same crimes are being repeated after certain time has passed,” Chehayeb said.

Chehayeb stressed that the project is the biggest in Lebanon, but said it had not yet received the necessary financial support.

“The major part of the funds is not available yet, but the international organizations and donor states are ready to add funds to the Lebanese state’s budget and that of the Agriculture minister to ensure the necessary funding for this project,” he added.

Chehayeb explained that the ministry has had a yearly tradition of distributing plants and seeds to municipalities, schools and universities, but a large part of them are wasted.

“Unfortunately, there wasn’t any annual follow up on what has been planted, and so we are losing a huge quantity of what we plant and what we distribute,” he said, highlighting that only 20 percent of the seeds or plants grow to be part of the forests.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2014/Nov-10/277095-lebanon-aims-to-plant-40-million-trees-chehayeb



Monday, November 10, 2014. “”According to the council president, Parliament’s extension will eventually lead to consensus of the presidential vote.””. Consensus = President under Nabih BERRI domination.

Si vous partez à la retraite, Nabih, je vous assure des millions de libanais seront contents.

Comment prétendons-nous former une démocratie au Liban alors que le président du parlement est un dictateur dominant le législatif depuis 23 ans ????




The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Speaker Nabih Berri is optimistic about a regional and local climate that would eventually result in the election of a president, head of the Central Maronite Council Wadih Khazen said Monday.

Quoting Berri after their meeting, Khazen told reporters that the speaker considered that “local and regional conditions predicted a positive indicator that may serve to motivate local factions to agree on a new president.”

According to the council president, Parliament’s extension will eventually lead to consensus of the presidential vote.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2014/Nov-10/277104-berri-optimistic-about-presidential-impasse-visitor



LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .

lebanese-transparent-democracy.org. webmaster@lebanese-transparent-democracy.org.


Sunday, November 16, 2014. We're for democratic rights for every people, in Ukraine, Kurdistan, Christian Ninawa, Chii South Iraq, Sunni Central Syria, Alaouite North West Syria, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon. This could be a peaceful solution discarding fanatics of the Middle East !




Putin walks out on a tense G20 summit

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News

 Sunday, 16 November 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin jetted out of Australia Sunday after a testy G20 summit where he faced concerted Western fire over the Ukraine crisis, Agence France Presse reported.




LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .

lebanese-transparent-democracy.org. webmaster@lebanese-transparent-democracy.org.


Friday, November 21, 2014. Two blames to KAHWAJI.

 The first blame. He is the head of the army. He had to impose by force compliance with the Constitution. He had to organize presidential election.  He had to impose parliamentary elections.

The second blame. The qualification as terrorist should be applied on Hezbollah militia, not only on Sunni extremists. What did he do against Hezbollah mini-state in Lebanon and what did he do with the Hezbollah militia warring in Syria?

Deux reproches à KAHWAJI.

Le premier reproche. Il est le chef de l'armée. Il devait imposer par la force le respect de la Constitution et amener l'ancien parlement légitime  d'élire un président. Il devait ensuite s'obliger à organiser les élections parlementaires.

Le deuxième reproche. Le qualificatif de terroriste ne devait être appliqué seulement sur les sunnites opposants au régime de Bachar. Que fait-il contre le mini état de Hezbollah au Liban et que fait-il avec les miliciens de Hezbollah qui font la guerre en Syrie ?




Qahwaji: War against terrorists persists

BEIRUT | iloubnan.info / NNA - November 21, 2014, 13h11

Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji on Friday confirmed that war against terrorist organizations continues, praising the Army's latest achievements in thwarting a "dream" to form a terrorist "Emirate" in Lebanon. The Army Chief called on the Army to be on alert to face Israel, to commit to resolution 1701 in coordination with UNIFIL, and to protect the regional water from Israeli's attempt to set a buffer zone. Qahwaji's remarks came in the Order of the Day marking Lebanon's 71st Independence Day. Qahwaji expressed sorrow for failure to celebrate this national occasion on Saturday due to the presidency vacuum. He hoped that a new president would be swiftly elected as "the election of a president would contribute to the consolidation of constitutional institutions and would revive the normal national life."




LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .

lebanese-transparent-democracy.org. webmaster@lebanese-transparent-democracy.org.


Monday, November 24, 2014. Tammam SALAM, Prime Minister, reduces the Lebanese crisis to simple records’ disagreement between his ministers, and relies on nothing to elect a president.

Nabih BERRI, occupying the presidency of parliament for 23 years thanks to the arms of his militia and those of Hezbollah, promises wonders if foreign players come to compromise with Iran!

 Amine GEMAYEL, head of the feudal party Kataeb, fears of coups, and expresses concerns but does nothing to mobilize its troops in the streets.

 Samir GEAGEA, Lebanese Forces leader and official candidate of the 14 March group multiplies the theoretical proposals for a solution to the presidential election.

 Are there, among our leaders and those politicians, persons aware that the problem cann’t be solved by stockists between leaders of armed mafias to find shares on the public authorities?

 We demand the return of law enforcement and the Constitution. We call for the military to act not as a coup but as the only legitimate force to reorient the state to implement the Constitution and impose new parliamentary and presidential elections.


Lundi 24 novembre 2014. Tammam SALAM, Premier Ministre, réduit la crise libanaise à des simples dossiers en désaccord entre ses ministres et ne compte sur rien pour faire élire un président.

Nabih BERRI, occupant de la présidence du parlement depuis 23 ans grâce aux armes de ses milices et de celles de Hezbollah, promet des merveilles si les intervenants étrangers arrivent à des compromis avec l’Iran !

Amine GEMAYEL,  chef du parti féodal KATAEB, redoute des coups d’état exprime ses inquiétudes mais ne fait rien pour mobiliser ses troupes dans la rue.

Samir GEAGEA, chef des Forces Libanaises, et candidat officiel du groupe de 14 MARS, multiplie les propositions théoriques pour une solution pour l’élection présidentielle.

Y – t- il parmi nos dirigeants et responsables politiques  des personnes conscientes que le problème ne peut être résolu par des négoces entre des chefs de maffias armées pour qu’ils trouvent des partages de domination sur les pouvoirs publics ?

Nous réclamons le retour  l’application des lois et de la Constitution. Nous réclamons à l’armée d’agir non comme un coup d’état mais comme la seule force légitime qui doit réorienter l’état pour appliquer la Constitution et imposer des nouvelles élections parlementaires et présidentielle.




If the council does not pronounce its verdict within 20 days after the challenge was presented, the extension of Parliament’s term would become effective.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam pessimistic, but Berri upbeat on presidential vote.

Salam said external circumstances were not conducive to the election of a president.

Berri also said he was still optimistic about launching a long-awaited dialogue between the Future Movement and Hezbollah, whose strained ties have heightened political and sectarian tensions in the country.

Among the unresolved issues Salam cited were the Syrian refugee crisis, the 26 Lebanese soldiers and policemen still held hostage by militants on the outskirts of the Bekaa town of Arsal, the contracts of mobile phone operators, oil prospecting tenders and the issue of solid waste disposal.

“Delaying the election of a new president has ceased to become a tactical political stance to boost the position of one side at the expense of another,” Amine Gemayel said, adding: “It has become a strategic stance [that aims] to change the Lebanese status-quo and the Lebanese Republic.”

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea said he was ready to visit Aoun at his residence in Rabieh, if this would help reach an agreement to end the presidential vacuum.




LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .

lebanese-transparent-democracy.org. webmaster@lebanese-transparent-democracy.org.


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