Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

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Reflexions on the political and socio economic Lebanese news.
Lebanese current events.

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On January 13, 2011. Lebanese Government has resigned. The Syrian mafias’ blackmails are ‎stopped. We demand an Effective Democratic Government respecting the Majority Decisions. ‎

1 ‎
Yes, we are against the pro Syrian tribal Mafiosi of 8 March Political Groups, but today we ‎' thank ' them for their decision to end the Masquerades of the so called ‘National Unity ‎Government ' that has paralyzed the country by yielding to blackmails under pressions of Hezbollah and ‎pro Syrian mercenaries. ‎

‎2 ‎
We thank President OBAMA, the United States of America and the United Nations as their ‎support is important for modern culture, justice, peace and democracy in Lebanon. ‎

‎3 ‎
We remind the people in the medias and politics in Lebanon and the Middle East who ‎criticize daily the United Nations and America that they are deeply wrong. The salvation of the ‎peoples in the Middle East is only possible by a peaceful development of democratic regimes ‎that respect human rights, pluralism, minorities’ rights and balanced co-existence. ‎

‎4 ‎
We call for non-interference of the hostile and criminal dictatorship regimes into Lebanese ‎affairs. But we stress the need for intervention from the United Nations and the democratic ‎countries in order to protect the human rights of vulnerable people like Lebanon people. We ‎are for the right and duty of United Nations intervention to protect any persecuted and ‎threatened people all around the world. ‎

‎ 5 ‎
Since the Cedar Revolution in 2005, we were waiting longly for a harmonious government, backed by ‎parliamentary majority. We will not accept in the government some political criminal leaders ‎who blackmailed the State authorities, and they are neighboring dictatorships’ mercenaries. ‎

‎6 ‎
We ask the Republic President to create a Laïc Government from the parliamentary majority, to ‎activate Democratic processes, and to verify the equal sharing in all State institutions, between muslims and christians. ‎

‎7 ‎
We demand that any political dialogue shall be into Government Cabinet and Parliament, with ‎transparency and prohibition of any intimidation or extortion or corruption. ‎

‎8 ‎
We call for transparent medias, and sincere political informations. ‎

‎9 ‎
We demand the withdrawal of all militias’ weapons, and the forbidding of any party who ‎follows foreign countries’ dictatorships, or hostile doctrines against Lebanon independence ‎and its democracy. ‎

‎10 ‎
We demand the independence of the judiciary and its reinforcement to end corruption, ‎nepotism, no-punishment and chaos, hoping to secure the rule of law over all Lebanese ‎territory. ‎

‎11 ‎
We demand that the Security Forces and the Lebanese Army could completely change their ‎strategy for Lebanon security and defense. They must clean all Lebanese territory to withdraw ‎weapons and arrest everybody if he is out of law. ‎What is called 'resistance' is a militia with orders from Syria and Iran. It blocks the State functioning and represents a danger to peace.

‎12 ‎
We will oppose anyone who does not work for the implementation of our demands, which are ‎for the benefit of all Lebanese citizens. ‎

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The unique Web address of the English  reception page of the Organization Site is:
Contact of the Management of The Organization :

Name of the Organization on the French-speaking pages:
Association pour la Démocratie Forte Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)

Name of the Organization on the Arabic-speaking pages:
 التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان

Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

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