Lebanese Strong Transparent
Democracy Organization (LSTDO) |
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On January 13, 2011. Lebanese Government has resigned. The Syrian mafias’ blackmails are stopped. We demand an Effective Democratic Government respecting the Majority Decisions.
Yes, we are against the pro Syrian tribal Mafiosi of 8 March Political Groups,
but today we ' thank ' them for their decision to end the Masquerades of the so
called ‘National Unity Government ' that has paralyzed the country by yielding
to blackmails under pressions of Hezbollah and pro Syrian mercenaries.
We thank President OBAMA, the United States of America and the United Nations as
their support is important for modern culture, justice, peace and democracy in
We remind the people in the medias and politics in Lebanon and the Middle East
who criticize daily the United Nations and America that they are deeply wrong. The
salvation of the peoples in the Middle East is only possible by a peaceful
development of democratic regimes that respect human rights, pluralism,
minorities’ rights and balanced co-existence.
We call for non-interference of the hostile and criminal dictatorship regimes
into Lebanese affairs. But we stress the need for intervention from the United
Nations and the democratic countries in order to protect the human rights of
vulnerable people like Lebanon people. We are for the right and duty of United
Nations intervention to protect any persecuted and threatened people all around
the world.
Since the Cedar Revolution in 2005, we were waiting longly for a harmonious government, backed by parliamentary
majority. We will not accept in the government some political criminal leaders who
blackmailed the State authorities, and they are neighboring dictatorships’
We ask the Republic President to create a Laïc Government from the parliamentary
majority, to activate Democratic processes, and to verify the equal sharing in
all State institutions, between muslims and christians.
We demand that any political dialogue shall be into Government Cabinet and
Parliament, with transparency and prohibition of any intimidation or extortion
or corruption.
We call for transparent medias, and sincere political informations.
We demand the withdrawal of all militias’ weapons, and the forbidding of any
party who follows foreign countries’ dictatorships, or hostile doctrines
against Lebanon independence and its democracy.
We demand the independence of the judiciary and its reinforcement to end
corruption, nepotism, no-punishment and chaos, hoping to secure the rule of law
over all Lebanese territory.
We demand that the Security Forces and the Lebanese Army could completely change
their strategy for Lebanon security and defense. They must clean all Lebanese
territory to withdraw weapons and arrest everybody if he is out of law. What
is called 'resistance' is a militia with orders from Syria and Iran. It
blocks the State functioning and represents a danger to peace.
We will oppose anyone who does not work for the implementation of our demands,
which are for the benefit of all Lebanese citizens.
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