Lebanese Strong Transparent
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April 27, 2010. The Lebanese detainees in Syria
are forgotten by the government and the political class.
I - Reminders:
The parents of Lebanese detainees in Syrian prisons, yesterday, called the
government to meet its commitments in its first Ministerial Declaration and to
establish a national bureau that will be handling the matter.
To mark the fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon, a
press conference was held, yesterday, in Gebran Khalil Gebran Garden, downtown,
in which they deplored the "inhuman» attitude of political leaders in their
approach to the issue.
Mrs. Sonia EID, chairperson of the parents of Lebanese detainees in Syrian
prisons said: "We demanded the formation of a national commission that will be
handling the matter, they accused us of wanting to plunge back into war. "!
Mr. Ghazi AAL, Solid spokesman (Support of Lebanese in Detention and in Exile)
said: "We know, and you too, that Lebanese are languishing in Syrian jails. It
is a national right that we want to know the fate of Lebanese victims of
arbitrary disappearance. But you flee the problem.”
Mr. Wadih ASMAR, president of the Lebanese Centre for Human Rights, recalled
that "the parents claims are human and just. Shedding light on the fate of
missing persons is a first step towards unification of the country."
Mr. Samy GEMAYEL said that relations with Syria can’t be improved as long as
this issue is not resolved.
II - The LSTDO position :
It seems clear that the political Lebanese prisoners in Syria are used as
bargaining chips to do pressures against every opposition to Syrian interference
in Lebanese affairs.
Just this case is sufficient for us to say that the Lebanese government
should have no normal relationship with Syria until solving this priority
problem. Apart the diplomatic talks with the Syrian ambassador in Lebanon, every
political leader who dare to visit Syria before resolving these issues should be
condemned and rejected by the people.
Every Lebanese political leader who opens contacts with Syria before the
resolution of these issues must be fought politically to reduce its standing in
Lebanon and to prevent the State Construction and the rights of Lebanese
As things stand, we respect the Syrian people but we believe that the Syrian
government is hostile to the Lebanese rights, and should be treated according to
this reality until the change occurs in his attitude towards Lebanon.
This record of Lebanese political prisoners in Syria is a key element of our
passage into open opposition against the present government of Saad HARIRI,
despite our support for certain projects of this government. There is no
contradiction. We are the true pragmatic Lebanese Democrats. This government is
becoming with no coherent policy. And it has not fulfilled his promises. It has
nothing to do with the Cedar Revolution or the original policy of the 14 March
Group. It’s a betrayal.
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