Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

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Lebanese current events of 25 May, 2008.
Reflexions on the political and economic Lebanese  news.


Question: The new president could he realize his program, as he is torn between the heads of political mafias
and he haven't majority, nor in the government nor in the parliament?

Position of the LSTDO:

The LSTDO supports the programme presented by the new President of the Republic of Lebanon, General Michel SULEIMAN, on 25-5-2008, with reservations on the following topics:

- No excuse can be accepted, leaving residents on Lebanese territory carrying offensive weapons outside the authority of the Lebanese State. Accordingly, the Hezbollah militia must give such weapons to the Lebanese army. Without the disarming of all groups hostile to democracy in Lebanon, peace can not be maintained and the entire reform programme presented by the president will not be realized.


- No Lebanese party should be allowed if it is linked to plans or doctrines that go beyond the border of Lebanon and does not recognize the final independence of the Lebanese State.

- No Lebanese party should be governed by religious whether Christians or Muslims. The secular State must remain independent from religious ideologies.


- We are not hostile or enemies of the Syrian, Palestinian and Israeli peoples. The enemies of democratic Lebanon are those who do not respect the democratic rights of Lebanon. We do not have to qualify a neighbouring country as an enemy if it agrees to respect our rights. Currently, there are even enemies inside Lebanon, which prevent the Lebanese to live in peace. We must treat the governments of Syria and Israel on the basis of respect for the rights of independent Lebanon.

- As long as there is a suspicion of guilt of the Syrian regime in the killings and injustices in Lebanon, " fraternal relations" with this regime are only unacceptable ideas and wounding to Lebanese victims.




The inaugural address of President Michel SULEIMAN

Speaker of the parliament,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would have liked that this day be initiated in joy. But I am sure that the souls of our martyrs will welcome our silence (a minute's silence was observed), because this day marks the opening of a rich period in promise for all children of our motherland. Our country stands from a momentary lethargy, thanks to the awareness of our fellow citizens who refused to engage in fratricidal war, and the help of friends of our country.

Today, having taken the constitutional oath, I invite you all, political parties and citizens, to start a new phase whose title would be "Lebanon and the Lebanese". A phase where we will engage for a National project based on modernity, to serve the interest of the homeland, before every sectarian or religious interest.

On behalf of political stability to which we aspire, we must energize the constitutional institutions where evolve different political ideas, in order to reach common denominators that would guarantee the interests of the homeland and its people.

The dispute policy and constitutional problems it has generated should prompt us not only to identify issues for the future, but also to restore the balance between powers and responsibilities so that the institutions, including the presidency of the Republic, can assume their role.

Lebanon, country bearing a message, being crossroads of civilizations and haven for pluralism, calls us all to start the project of political, administrative, economic and security reform, to make recover to our homeland its position and its usual influence on the international scene.

Lebanon has chosen to comply with the TAEF Agreement. It is called to preserve and consolidate this choice from the united national will, which is essential to the consecration of any political decision. The national pact, the core of the Constitution, is a link that unites the Lebanese and has proved its strength against any external orientation.

Our relations with foreign countries remain healthy and effective as they are conducted on the basis of this pact, and Lebanon interests. They should respect its particularity and enable it to regain its active role as a prototype of coexistence in the region and the world.


The people gave us their trust so that we help its ambitions, not to be bothered with our political obtuse differences. The discourse of reciprocal accusation of felony is one of the most threatening dangers against our country in recent years. This kind of talk has paved the way for the reign of discord, especially among young people. It is necessary to integrate this fact and work to strengthen the homeland and coexistence through dialogue, not by turning the country into arena of conflict.

The democratic system is fundamentally characterized by the alternation in power through free elections. And it is essential to adopt an electoral law that would ensure fair representation and consolidate the relationship between voters and elected people. It is equally necessary to admit the results of these elections and to respect the people will.

The independence of the judiciary enshrines the rule of justice, refuge with any citizen. Justice has not only intended to settle in the event of litigation, but also set the functioning of all state institutions. Justice is the pillar of the State power.

The sense of responsibility leads us to encourage young people to integrate the public sector, to avoid obsolescence and consolidate the skills and capabilities of the public services by infusing a new spirit. To do so, just we have to take good selection criteria and activate the bodies of supervision and control administrations, in order to reward deserving people, to place on the right path which is lacking in his duty and eliminate the corruption. Only the building of a State to which they will be proud to belong, can allay the fears of young people, provide solutions to their problems and promote their talents. Let these young people who fought the occupation and terrorism, and which are raised for independence, to guide us towards the destination that we have failed to arrive. Young people are the future and the future belongs to them. Their injuries have exhausted them but not least matured them. The rights of those who have become disabled must be provided in accordance with the law. It is also necessary to reform our national education which must recover its distinguished role in the region.

The Lebanese Diaspora aspires that the homeland is recovering again. Accordingly, it is imperative to recognize the rights of expatriates and adopt ad hoc measures that will give them their rights, in order to strengthen their adherence to the homeland which must take advantage of their skills. Expatriates are entitled to Lebanese nationality, much more than those who obtained it illegally.  

The security and political stability is a sine qua non for economic prosperity, under the sponsorship of the State who must promote competitive production. By creating an enabling environment, we could attract investment and therefore the fight against corruption and reduce emigration. We must develop the productive infrastructure of our economy, including our agricultural, industrial and tertiary sectors, while highlighting the attractions of Lebanon and promoting the culture of environmental protection.

The balanced development of all regions is one of the pillars of the unity of the State and the stability of the regime. In our view, the expanded administrative decentralization is a key determinant for (the country development and the repair of social, cultural and economic issues that separate the different regions. Moreover, it is imperative to give special importance to the return of displaced persons in order to conclude this matter definitively.

Our deep belief in international legitimacy, based on the principles of justice and law, enact us to comply with resolutions and charters of the United Nations. Therefore, we emphasize our support for the formation of the international tribunal which must decide on the assassination of President Martyr Rafik HARIRI and his companions as well as all other attacks, so that justice is done.

The creation of the Resistance was a need, because of the erosion of the State. This Resistance has been able to pursue the path through the support provided by Lebanese people, government and the army. Its victory against the occupier is due to the bravery of its combatants and the glory of its martyrs. Nevertheless, the occupation of CHEBAA farms and permanent violations of our sovereignty by the Israeli enemy request a need to prepare a strategy for national defense to protect the homeland, in conjunction with a calm dialogue, in order to benefit from the strengths of Resistance, as part of this strategy. The resistance should not be used in internal conflicts. Today we celebrate the National Day of liberation and victory. That this commemoration is a new incentive to become aware of the dangers we face and to renew our commitment to freedom and democracy for which we have provided so many sacrifices. Without forgetting the need for continued action to release our detainees and prisoners, to shed light on the fate of missing persons and recover our fellow citizens who have sought refuge in Israel. The homeland is able to accommodate all its children.

Lebanon has always held to strengthen its ties with its Arab brothers. We therefore aspire to fraternal relations between Lebanon and Syria on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and borders of each country and the establishment of diplomatic relations that will benefit our two countries. The key is to develop privileged relations on an equal footing, free from past imperfections. We must learn from the past, in order to guarantee security and prosperity of both countries.

The State can not tolerate any act whose purpose is to destabilize peace and order. It will not accept under any circumstances, that men are exploited as cannon fodder of terrorism or that we advance the sacredness of the Palestinian cause as an excuse to instigate unrest, as some have done a year ago, when they attacked the army. Join our efforts to remedy the effects of what happened, to heal the wounds and continue the reconstruction. The pain has broken us. We can only rely on hope. The gun will be pointed out only against the enemy and we will never allow it to be headed in another direction.

Our rejection of Palestinian Implantation does not mean that we refuse to welcome our Palestinian brothers and we care for their humanitarian conditions. Our position aims to preserve the right of return of refugees in a viable Palestinian State. In this context, Lebanon insists on the implementation of the Arab initiative, launched in Beirut at the Arab summit of 2002.

Our armed forces have gained the confidence of the Lebanese people in recent years, due to significant and historical achievements. These range from the preservation of democracy and civil peace to the deployment in South Lebanon, after an absence of more than three decades, via the fight against the enemy and terrorism. These achievements were paid dearly by some of our best. However, recent security incidents have left the impression that the armed forces have not fully assumed the role we expected. As a result, preservation of a minimum of understanding and, hence, the presence of political cover necessary help that what happened will not be repeated in the future. Moreover, it is essential to strengthen the morale of those forces, at the national level, to equip these troops and to encourage young elite people to engage in the army.


On this day, I would like to thank the Arab League and its secretary general, for having embraced the cause of the crisis which devastated the country and deployed successful efforts to find it a suitable solution. On behalf of the Lebanese people, I express deep gratitude to the State of Qatar, his Highness the Emir, his Prime Minister and the Arab Ministerial Committee for their sincere efforts and for their national commitment in launching and hosting the national dialogue. A dialogue which, thanks to them, has been successful and was crowned by the DOHA Agreement.

Our deepest thanks also go to the brother and friend States who have helped the nation to overcome the crisis and the States comprising the UNIFIL deployed in southern pursuant to resolution 1701, and their outstanding performance alongside the Lebanese Army in maintaining security. We must also mention the importance attached by UNIFIL to social issues and development in its areas of deployment, and echo that this action takes among local populations.



Many works are waiting for us. My oath today is a commitment on my part, just as your will is, too. Let's let ourselves be overwhelmed by the promises and deal with different areas of work within our capabilities. We thank the support of our brothers and friends to overcome the difficulties. Let us be united and solider and journey together towards reconciliation steadfast in order to give rise to hope in the hearts of our children, to launch pioneering initiatives, creative and courageous, work towards the creation of a civil capable State, based on respect for civil, religious and expression liberties. Our national unity has cost us too much; we must preserve it together, hand in hand. God is on the side of the collective work.

Long Live Lebanon!


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Name of the Organization on the French-speaking pages:
Association pour la Démocratie Forte Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)

Name of the Organization on the Arabic-speaking pages:
التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان

Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)


_ LSTDO/ 25-5-2008: inaugural address of President Michel SULEIMAN _