Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

Lebanese current events of 5 March, 2008.
Reflexions on the political and economic Lebanese  news.

Call for a Neutral Lebanon without any interference

from neighboring countries.

I - Facts:

After three years of political terrorism in Lebanon since United Nations 1559 Resolution in 2004, it is established that the blockages of the Lebanon State is organized by the dictatorial and hegemonic Syria regime, which uses the indoctrinated and organized terrorists in Lebanon since the occupation of Lebanon by Syria in 1976.

The democrats of the government group of March 14 have waited enough to preserve security of the citizens, by yielding to a number of demands from the pro Syrian armed Opposition under threats of civil war. But there is no good result. The blackmail of terrorists continues. The functioning of the Lebanon STATE is blocked. The population is terrorized. Lebanon's economy is in ruins.

The draft of the Arab League to bring together heads of Arab States in Damascus at the end of March, 2008, reveals serious problems for Lebanon. Indeed, heads of political clans in Lebanon publicly declared they can’t find solution because of irreconcilable demands of some Arab States which are allies of different Lebanese factions who play with the lives of citizens inside Lebanon. The government majority dare not apply the Constitution and laws for presidential election because the pro Syrian armed Opposition threats creating a civil war and it is supported by the Syrian regime, which wants to have his authority in the functioning of the Lebanon STATE.

Mr. Bashar ASSAD, head of the Syrian regime, proposed to Mr Amr MOUSSA, secretary-general of the Arab League, the election of General Michel SOLEIMAN to the presidency of the Lebanese republic, but with a "neutral government" (Say paralyzed), to create a new electoral law based on the law of 1960 (which advantage Pro Syrians), and to organize early parliamentary elections in six months. Let's say that a electoral campaign where half of the Lebanese territory is terrorized by armed terrorist groups who murder Lebanese leaders does not allow a free and democrat elections. In total, the Syrian regime linked to assassinations in Lebanon want that the policy of Lebanese government be subject to its veto by the use of the representation of the Opposition into Lebanese government with a right to Blocking of any decision which would impede their interests. The destruction of recent democracy and independence in Lebanon is under way.

Mr. Amine GEMAYEL, the leader of the Kataeb Christian party, went to see the king of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Abdallah BEN ABDEL AZIZE, and to discus the ongoing Lebanese crisis and the blocking of the presidential election.

Mr. Ghafir SOLANA, European Union Safety Officer came to Beirut to explore the ideas of political leaders, calling for dialogues. The French diplomacy had not been able to find solutions of understanding before. All "Conciliators» finally understood that the blocking came from the Syrian interference in the Lebanese internal affairs.

Mr. AMR MOUSSA, after his failure findings in Beirut talks, receives these days, some "Special envoys" of Lebanese political leaders, who flock to Cairo to defend their "livelihood" policy in the sharing of the future Lebanese government!

Mr. Nabih BERRY, Speaker of Parliament, inducted by the Syrian regime before the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon, and the Pro Syrian armed Opposition defendant, continues to launch proposals and blackmail " presenting himself like a family father concerned for the public interests !", with his aim to protect the weapons of Hezbollah and the acquisition of veto over government decisions concerning United Nations resolutions on Lebanon. The Syrian regime is alarmed by the international tribunal for the assassination of Rafik HARIRI. The involvement of some leaders of the opposition in Lebanon is not excluded.

Mr. Samir GEAGEA, leader of the Lebanese Forces, declared his rejection of Lebanese participation in the Arab League Congress in Damascus, scheduled for the end of March 2008, whereas the Syrian regime is blocking the Lebanese presidential election.
The Maronite Patriarch, SFEIR, said to be for an electoral law based on the district, the 1960 election law has become outmoded in 2008. Half of the future Christians deputies are likely to be chosen by a Muslim electorate. And the rights of the Lebanese Christian culture will not be properly defended.
Imbalance into Lebanese State would create social tensions and mistrusts between the communities.
The President, BUSCH, has reiterated its support for the Majority government in Lebanon and expresses his hostility against interference of the Syrian regime in the internal affairs of Lebanon. American President is on the side of Lebanese Democrats and the independence of Lebanon.

Mr. Ban KI MOON, Secretary General of UN, said the lack of cooperation of the Syrian regime in the Lebanese crisis. The UN troops in Lebanon are to assist the restoration of State authority and the citizens Security.

It is a duty of legitimate interference of the United Nations to protect a Democrat weak State.

The Foreign Ministers of Arab countries met in Cairo, on 5.3.2008. Their statement on the Lebanese crisis shows, apparently, they deal, with the same equality, Syrian regime who has murdered Lebanese in one hand, and the defenders of the Lebanese independent democracy in the other hand. They call for the abolition of the decision priority of the parliamentary and government Majority in the Lebanese future governmental authority! This failure was predictable. In fact, the differences are important between countries that support Lebanese government of Fouad SANIORA and those who do not want to oppose against Syrian hegemony in Lebanon.

On 5-3-2008, the Council of Maronite Patriarchs stated that the absence of President Election since November 2007 is an unacceptable shame.

In total, at the beginning of March 2008, all Lebanese state institutions are blocked. There is no Constitutional Council. Parliament is prevented to meet since seventeen months. Government is harassed by the armed opposition with threat of civil war. The President of the Republic post has been vacant since November 2007. The President election is blocked by the opposition and the Syrian regime interference. The heads of political clans accuse one the other through the Medias. All attempts of conciliation or agreement have failed. Citizens’ impoverishment doesn’t interest anybody in the politicized Medias which are servicing various political mafias. And, finally, most Lebanese politicians make us believe today that we must wait decisions of "funds and weapons regional Providers» to be able to hope for a solution.

In short, the Democrats among Lebanese leaders who want to apply the Constitution and Run public utilities are prevented to work by political armed mafia leaders who use blackmail and threats of Civil war.




II - LSTDO Position:

Simply, we are Lebanese citizens who want to work in peace to feed our families. The only solution for us is a true, transparent and strong democracy. We want it strong by its army, its security services, its judiciary apparatus, its administrative institutions and policies capable to stop corruption into the public services.

We strongly condemn the abandonment by the political representatives of the Lebanese people of their independence vis-à-vis foreign States, and their lack of simple application of the Constitution and other laws of the republic.

We condemn any bargaining and blackmail held with the mediation or interference from any non-democratic country or any neighbouring country regime. 

We condemn all dealings with the Arab League on the pretext of waiting for an external response from non democratic country to solve the internal affairs of Lebanon.

We call upon neighbouring countries only their neutrality and their non interference in Lebanese affairs.

The functioning of the Lebanese State must begin with the daily opening of the Parliament to allow MPs to consult between them and decide on various laws and decisions in complete freedom.  

The acceptable aids from foreign countries must be carried out only through the Lebanese State, to help fairly all Lebanese, to improve independence, democracy and the Lebanese living standards. The military support should be sought, if necessary, from friendly democratic countries and the United Nations Organization. No neighbouring country should have any influence on the Lebanese government and any presence of its troops on Lebanese soil.

We condemn all solutions which leaves on Lebanese soil hotbeds of armed groups without their direct and absolute control from the Lebanese state through its political institutions and its army.

A real democracy requires an electoral law that allows total freedom of citizens to choose a deputy well known in his territory. Deputy works only to defend the needs of the public services and the quality of citizens’ life. The small district, where only one MP represents several villages or small area of a city, is an ideal cutting for a true democracy. The election is made by three selecting rounds, at a simple majority. The most convincing and most trusted will win. The first four candidates from the rank of the first round may compete in the second round. The first two ranking for the second round compete in the third round. No ad hoc alliances or electorate purchases, or compromises, or corruptions are tolerated. The deputy will remain responsible for his commitments to his voters and the judiciary apparatus. He’s not accountable to the party leaders or clans or indoctrinated sects or religions.

Given the multi-cultural particularities in Lebanon, with ramification of religious manipulation by countries in the Middle East, the removal of distrust between citizens of different origins, on a racial or cultural or religious or doctrinal plan, needs in the electoral law a balance between the numbers of deputies of different denominational backgrounds. The two main religious orientations are Islam and Christianity. The balance in Lebanon imposes equal numbers of deputies between Christians and Muslims. We propose that the parliament would consist of 25% of Maronite Christian deputies, 25% of non-Maronite Christian deputies, 20% of Shiite deputies, 20% of Sunni deputies and 10% of Druze deputies. The distributions on the land and subdivisions of religious affiliations are to be organized by the parliament for the final text of the new electoral law. Deputies are elected by the citizens regardless of religious interference. The religious balance of the State leaders is not intended to devote to the confessionals. Its sole aim is to remove mistrust between the Lebanese who are concerned about the hegemony of a religious clan on the other components of the multi faith Lebanese society.

Complete secularism in Lebanon is not possible, because of the current Lebanese mentality. A democracy in a nation obsessed with religions lead to a power of a dictator belonging to the largest religious community. The majority of Lebanese currently prefer their religious and ethnic affiliation instead of the geographical laic Phoenicia. Faced with ethnic threats, Lebanese prefer to take refuge in religion and forget to defend the rest of social problems and living expenses. This threatens to divide Lebanon as a result of different religious or cultural extensions to the regional Middle Eastern countries.

We strongly condemn any proposal for proportional in the electoral law. The proportional benefit is for the continuation of feudalism and their grip on the state budget by heads of clans or political mafias. The proportional assured the head of a clan or party its power to keep some power over the state and the possibility of choosing his "collaborators" Deputies who become his servants instead of the citizens services and the general interest of the country. The proportional gives a carte blanche to the heads of political mafias who will continue to fight for share looting of the state budget as some do it now. We want deputies totally free to choose conscientious solutions and without referring to the heads of clans. The heads of political groups in parliament will be chosen by the members and not the contrary. The current paralysis of parliament comes from the fact that political leaders had nominated their candidates for the National Assembly. And, subsequently, Congressman feels indebted to his chief of the clan in all circumstances!

The acceleration of democratic reforms depends on the degree of freedom of the deputies compared to the hegemony of political and feudal current leaders in Lebanon. If these leaders continue to influence the management of the Lebanese State, we believe that the democratic revolution in Lebanon will be restrained or lost.

A good electoral law as cited above will also reduce the risks of political terrorism. Indeed, the key decisions for the country's future will be taken collectively by all the deputies. Assassinations and blackmail no longer be able to influence the choice of the Lebanese State policy.

We can also expect a democratic electoral law to reduce any risk of seizure of power by a dictator, by avoiding power concentration into a few people hands.

The Cedar Revolution must resume its torch. Share the government in the current situation with pro-Syrian Lebanese is a defeat for democracy in Lebanon which could put Lebanon under Syrian domination.  

We demand the closure of borders with Syria pending a diplomatic normalization and respect for the independence of Lebanon by this country. Trade with the Middle East countries should be organized by sea.

We condemn any presence of political representative of the Lebanese State at the meeting of the Arab League in Damascus scheduled for late March 2008, even though there has been elected president of the republic. We will not visiting our murderers. We will await the opening of the Embassy of Lebanon in Damascus before any negotiations with the government of Syria.

In response to the news where we learn that the Arab League was in the process to ask Mr Bashar Assad, President of the Syrian regime, to resolve the political crisis of the Lebanese deadlock of the presidential election by the armed pro-Syrian Lebanese, we say that in a democracy, a neighbouring State has no opinion to offer in all matters concerning Lebanon and its government. For Lebanese who commit illegal actions, we call upon the United Nations, the Lebanese army and friendly countries to prevent them from harming. 

When the majority of political leaders in Lebanon today hope to elect General Michel SOLEIMAN as a "neutral" or "consensus" president for the presidency of the republic, the ignorance by the LSTDO of his political programme or his project concerning the major questions posed currently does not allow us to be supportive of that choice. He was appointed head of the army by the Syrian regime at a time when Syria's Secret Service murdered innocent Lebanese and terrorized all Lebanese. To date, he gives the impression that he will not deal with armed groups on Lebanese soil and especially Hezbollah. It will not restore the Lebanese State authority without compliance with the Security Council resolutions of the United Nations and the disarmament of all militias on Lebanese soil.

We want a Democratic president from the majority in parliament, even if he is elected by a simple majority that the text of the Constitution allows, in the second round of balloting. The agreement is a good thing; a qualified majority of two-thirds is also good. But we must not leave a people to drift because of a handful of heads of political mafias who are struggling to preserve their power with attracting foreign interferences. We are not ruled by a dictator, but by many small local dictators who are fighting for their private interests. Finally, the best democracies in the world accept the authority of a president elected by 51% of voters. The real democratic rule must prevail in Lebanon.
The rule of selection by the democratic vote is the best option to choose the best solutions in a free society without any blocking of the functioning of the state.




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Name of the Organization on the French-speaking pages:
Association pour la Démocratie Forte Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)

Name of the Organization on the Arabic-speaking pages:
التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان

Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)


_ LSTDO/ 5-3-2008: Neutral Lebanon without interference from neighboring countries _

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