Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

Lebanese current events of October 10, 2007.
Reflexions on the political and economic Lebanese  news.


Delivery mechanism of a president in the false Lebanese democracy!
‎ 10.10.2007

I - The facts, during the campaign for the presidential election:

Statements mediated by the Opposition in Lebanon and mainly by the leaders ‎of Hezbollah, for several months, continued:
‎- The hostility to Resolution 1559 of the Security Council of the United ‎Nations;
‎- The opposition to the Democratic implementation of the Lebanese ‎Constitution for the presidential election, because it requires the ‎presence of two-thirds of deputies before starting the vote and it refuses ‎an election by a simple majority of the half of the members plus one;
‎- Threats to use their weapons to prevent the accession to power of a ‎president emerged from the election for half of the members plus one;
‎- The requirement for Hezbollah to keep its armed military organization ‎intact and free to act independently from the Willingness of the Lebanese ‎State;
‎- The influence of the Syrian regime in Lebanon that blocks through its ‎allies, the Lebanese institutions progress toward greater democracy and ‎independence;
‎- Preparation of measures hostile to the current majority in Lebanon, ‎threat the creation of civil war, economic blockade and the division of the ‎country.

The steps of Mr. Nabih Berry were made in order to safeguard the interests ‎of the Opposition.

About 400 fire departures appeared in two days on October 10, 2007. This ‎is a new episode in terrorist actions carried out by anonymous that serve ‎the interests of the Opposition.

Statements mediated by the majority in Lebanon, and mainly by those in ‎charge of Lebanese Forces, Kataeb Party, Mustaqbal Movement, the ‎Progressive Socialist Party, and Qornet Shehwan, continued:
‎- The claim of constitutional right to be able to elect a president of the ‎republic democratically by half the members plus one at the second round ‎without any requirement of the presence of two-thirds of deputies in the ‎first round; This right is enshrined in article 49 of the Constitution;
‎- The promise to comply with all Security Council resolutions of the United ‎Nations;
‎- The project to disarm all armed groups on Lebanese territory, including ‎Hezbollah, proposing formulas to Hezbollah militia integration into the ‎Lebanese army;
‎- The project to preserve the independence and territorial integrity of ‎Lebanon, in particular in face of the Syrian and Israeli Covetousness;
‎- The determination to develop a policy of democratic reforms to improve ‎the economy and peace in Lebanon.

‎Three main candidates are competing as the media shows: Michel AOUN, ‎Boutros HARB and Nassib LAHOUD.

‎Mr. Michel AOUN would be the candidate of the Opposition. This Group is ‎pro-Syrian in its AMAL and HEZBOLLAH components and other small groups. The ‎Free Patriotic Movement of Michel AOUN is pro Syrian ally in opposite ‎direction from his past history. General AOUN is the only political leader ‎who took up arms to defend Lebanon's independence in 1990 against the ‎military annexation of Lebanon by Syria. He has long contributed to the ‎preparation of the Cedar Revolution during years of the Syrian occupation. ‎The anti Syrian current Majority (Group of 14 March) was in connivance with ‎the Syrian regime by submission, by force or threats. Confronted with the ‎question of weapons of Hezbollah, General AOUN has proposed an agreement ‎for the integration of Hezbollah militia into the Lebanese army.

All these positions of General AOUN should bring it closer to the current ‎Majority of the Group of 14 March!

‎Mr. Boutros HARB, candidate of the present majority, the Group of 14 March ‎‎(The Cedar Revolution), upholds the principles of the majority but he is ‎closer to the Opposition to be a likely candidate for the Arrangement. He ‎has to offer promise for the integration of armed militias of Hezbollah ‎into the Lebanese army, in the same manner of the General AOUN.

‎Mr. Nassib LAHOUD, also candidate of the current Majority of the Group of ‎‎14 March, said a commitment and ideas of approaching towards the ‎Opposition, to find a peaceful solution about the weapons of Hezbollah.

‎Since Hezbollah threats with its weapons and its support by the Syria and ‎Iran regimes, we see that the major candidates are in fact patriotic but ‎they are scared of the pressures that can become armed actions of the pro ‎Syrians! They are both for independence and democracy in the land of cedar ‎and at the same time they switch with the devil, Hezbollah, which means ‎terrorism.

‎We are not in a democratic country. The people of Lebanon hope, of course, ‎the democracy. But Lebanese political leaders are using blackmail like ‎mafias to preserve the privileges in a power-sharing into the Lebanese ‎State. All declare their willing and understanding to dialogue. Nobody ‎wants to apply the rules of democracy unless they serve his interests.

II- Position of LSTDO, proposal for a constitutional and democratic rule.

‎In the current context which seemed evident since about a year, LSTDO ‎became aware of the danger and proposed a comprehensive mechanism in the ‎text of the June 27, 2007 for returning the country to a true democracy ‎according to a tentative schedule of two years: Internet link: Proposed ‎Solution of the Lebanese government crisis on June 27, 2007 :
Internet link :
On June 27, 2007 : Proposal for a Solution of the Lebanese Political Crisis of the summer 2007, by two years Limited Period with a Provisional President, a Provisional Vice-president and a precise Program of Government.
‎ (Http://www.lebanese-transparent-democracy.org/en-pro-sol-crise.htm).

That proposal did not receive the interest of political leaders or ‎ the ‎clans in struggles for the power. It is not good to the private interests ‎of these heads of clans. It’s only beneficial to the people in Lebanon.

‎A few weeks before the end of the election campaign, LSTDO also proposes a ‎mechanism of this democratic election, which could ease the current ‎tensions and give the appearance of democracy in these mafias struggles in ‎Lebanon.

‎For LSTDO, a future president of the republic which bears the name of ‎Michel AOUN, Boutros HARB or Nassib LAHOUD makes no noticeable difference.

‎The key is to combine the March 14 Forces (the Majority in present ‎Government) with the Free Patriotic Movement of General AOUN to form a New ‎Majority of more than two-thirds of deputies on the basis of an Agreement ‎for a democratic voting mechanism by two rounds in the parliament. The New ‎Majority can then form a Government of National Understanding.

‎The commitment of attendance at the meeting of the presidential election ‎will meet the requirements of the Opposition in terms of presence of two ‎thirds of MPs. In the first round, the classification will allow two ‎candidates to be selected. In the second round, one, among the two ‎candidates in mind, will be elected, even if he obtains only half the ‎members plus one.

‎This mechanism can resolve divergences. But we are not naive. There are ‎rear thoughts in all political clans. They are looking primarily to ‎preserve their interests in the power of the State. Because, in Lebanon, we ‎know that the State is being plundered by most politicians, as "a milking ‎cow." The bulk of the weapons of Hezbollah must be integrated into the ‎Lebanese army. All the presidential candidates agree this solution with ‎shades that must be managed at a later stage through dialogue with the ‎Hezbollah party. The division of powers between the various clans is ‎inevitable in this current system of false democracy. But we need to go ‎through this step before later hopes for a better democracy beneficial to ‎the citizens of Lebanon.‎



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Association pour la Démocratie Forte Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)

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 التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان

Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)


LSTDO/ Delivery mechanism of a president-10.10.2007

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