Lebanese Strong Transparent
Democracy Organization (LSTDO) < I work to delay death and to improve the quality of life of any human being among all people of the world > |
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO) |
The principal thought of the militant
< I work to delay death and to improve the quality of life of any human being among all people of the world >
The goals of the organization
To create an organization which gathers Lebanese militants of Lebanon and the Lebanese Diaspora in sight:
To promote the peaceful democratic spirit in the Lebanese society. The government supported by a majority at the Parliament has the decision-making power on all the levels of the public services.
To organize bills to reform democratically all the laws and the Lebanese Constitution.
To fight for a Single Security Force of the Lebanese State commanded by a Single Council of Government of the Lebanese State and under the control of a Constitutional court stemming from the Lebanese Legal System. This Lebanese Force that makes respect laws must be at the service of rights of citizens and the independence of the Lebanese democracy.
To recommend laws in favor of the transparency of all the acts of the Lebanese Public Services in order to avoid the wasting, the abuses of power and the corruption.
To fight for a Laic State under the Rule of Law protected from any religious or feudal influence while respecting the freedom of the beliefs and the balance of the religious origins of the political officers and the civil servants of the state.
To foresee a Judicial System, fast, just and independent from any illicit pressure.
To fight for a lasting peace between the Lebanese while withdrawing the offensive weapons of all residents in Lebanon.
To fight against any foreign intervention on the decisions of the Lebanese government.
To fight for the ban of any Lebanese party connected to any religion or sect.
To fight for the ban of any Lebanese party connected to any dictatorship in nearby countries.
To facilitate the international cooperation with the democratic countries.
To limit the relations with the not democratic regimes to the indispensable diplomatic, cultural, tourist, humanitarian and commercial exchanges.
To recommend an international policy of neutrality in front of conflicts of the nearby states while respecting the international laws.
To protect the Lebanese territory of the sales of real estate with back thought of change of the cultural and religious demography in Lebanon.
To recommend the questioning and the fair judgment of all the affairs of naturalization of the persons and the acquisition of territories in the Lebanon since 1970.
To recommend inquiries and judgments on any grave penal affair or injustices since 1990.
To give the right to vote to the Lebanese emigrants and to foresee posts of deputies representing the emigrants.
To support the public and private economic development in Lebanon.
To encourage economically the return of the emigrants to Lebanon.
To stop the outside debts of Lebanon.
To develop the free public and academic education.
To give back the equitable and very covered medical cares by the Social Security.
To foresee a decent minimal income of work for all the Lebanese.
To foresee a decent minimal income to the pensioners.
To create medias by public television and by Internet to inform with transparency of all the actions of the Lebanese State.
To create medias by public television and by Internet for the free professional formation and languages.
To encourage economically the research, the industry and the agriculture in Lebanon.
To return to the Lebanese State all natural resources and to reorganize them fairly.
develop the leisure activities and the tourism in Lebanon.
You can choose the Arabic-speaking or the French-speaking pages while clicking on the adequate flag.
The unique Web address of the reception page of the Organization Site is:
Contact of the Management of The Organization :
Name of the Organization on the French-speaking pages:
Association pour la Démocratie Forte
Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)
Name of the Organization on the Arabic-speaking pages:
التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان
Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy
Organization (LSTDO)
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